Lolly's garden studio

Living in an apartment limited my desire to have a personal garden space to explore my gardening skills. All the outdoor space I had, was a narrow patio, with not even enough space to stretch both my arms at the same time. And since we were renting the apartment, there where rules limiting how much I could do with the space. Maneuvering in such a tight space while potting and re-potting plants and being creative, was a big challenge. However, that did not stop me. I was obsessed with my fantasy to grow some healthy and happy plants and herbs. They would be my pets whom I interacted with regularly. I had to have my own mini garden. More than the jaw dropping flower show or a big spread of lawn, I was interested in creating a herb garden, short plants with fascinating colours and textures. Few flowers to add colour and attraction. A miniature garden, to attract bees, butterflies, humming birds and even those garden fairies that sneak in to my little paradise when no one's looking. Occasionally, a teeny weeny, brightly coloured spider would also be welcomed.

Garden Gnome and a Green Frog are two of my garden residents.
And yes, I did create this garden in the tight space that I have. I placed some containers, earthen pots, of varied heights, shapes and textures. Filled them with some very good quality potting soil I bought from the local garden store. I created a herbs spread, some tall White Lillies, a patch of green ground cover on a woven cane basket of shallow depth, some splash of colours here and there with garden jewels, bright yellow Marrigolds, Dianthus, some big beach pebbles of hues of green, yellow, pinks collected from a very special trip to the Pacific Ocean. I love to create little hiding places with pebbles, pine cones, frog sculptures, toadstools etc., for my shy garden visitors. I check during the day while I water my plants those hiding place where they leave signs that they had visited my garden and loved it!

My garden rewards my efforts by these lovely blossoms. In my small patio container I was rewarded by twelve huge white lillies. I had to leave my plants unwatered for a week as I was travelling. I was afraid my plants will droop and the lilly buds will fall of without water. But on my return I was surprised all twelve buds open and healthy waiting to show me off their beauty. I was so delighted. It had been so hot for that week when I was away and my plants had not given up on me.